Author: Pierre Zarokian

This article was provided by Pierre Zarokian. Pierre Zarokian is an entrepreneur and internet marketer running several companies, including web design company “Web Design Express” and an online reputation management company “Reputation Stars.”  Please visit his sites to get in touch with him.

For centuries, inventions and innovations have been the lynchpin of progress in our society. And as science and industry have advanced, more gifted minds have aimed to benefit society by thinking of new ways to make life easier for everyone. However, as the adage says, “Great minds think alike.” Through no fault of their own, aspiring inventors and entrepreneurs may put forth ideas that have already been patented by other individuals who have followed the same line of thought. Because our society protects intellectual property through the patent system, inventors should take care not to claim ideas already credited to…

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Credit checks can be a frustrating obstacle for many aspiring homeowners. These checks are often treated as a necessity, even though they can cause negative effects on your credit score. As a result, shopping around for a mortgage past the designated 45-day window can cause your credit score to descend. Credit checks have become a precarious situation for many home buyers because of the way credit inquiries work. Most mortgage lenders make credit inquiries when you apply for a loan. One of the country’s credit bureaus is then notified of the inquiry. The three major credit bureaus in the United…

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In a world where the advertising industry is driven by methods such as social media marketing, Google ads, SEO, and other digital marketing methods, it may seem less advantageous to use in-person advertising methods. Reaching people at places they go may even seem primitive compared to traditional advertising through mass media such as radio and television. However, since January 2019, I have been discovering the power and efficacy of out-of-the-house or OOH advertising, especially for reaching local audiences in specific locations. OOH advertising is designed to reach people when they’re not at home, online, or in front of a television.…

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