Author: Cristina Macias

Cristina Macias is a 25-year-old writer who enjoys reading, writing, Rubix cube, and listening to the radio. She is inspiring and smart, but can also be a bit lazy.

Throughout the years, technology has immensely transformed our way of life. Hardly a day goes by without using some tech in one way or the other. From smartphones to vehicles, technology continues to play a vital role in how we do things. And even though some people may not appreciate what it brings, it is evident that we now live way more efficient lives. To get the most from what modern technology offers, you must understand how it contributes to a better life. After all, there is no way you can leverage what you know nothing about. With that in…

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If you’re renovating or moving into a new home, then your front door may be the last thing on your mind. However, your front door can not only make a huge difference to the exterior of your property, but also can provide safety, functionality and protection from weather exposure. In addition to this, your front door is essential in creating that first impression for your house and its kerb appeal, especially if you’re planning on putting your property on the market. So, if you’re wondering “how can I sell my house fast?”, perhaps replacing your front door is a great…

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History of banking remembers the transition from live queues in banks to modern ATMs – technology that at first many were cautious of, but not long after it was universally accepted. Now, we are seeing a new banking innovation taking place – open banking. The cornerstone of its legal framework in Europe is PSD2 – the European Union’s second payment services directive. Passed into the law in January 2018 and enforced in EEA member states in the wake of 2021, PSD2 is now in effect – changing the ways customers interact and access their banks’ services across Europe. PSD2 is…

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Blizzard is a company that sets the trends in the gaming industry. And no pun intended. It has shown the world that gamers are nostalgic creatures that like to reminisce about the times long past. Therefore, Blizzard was the first development studio to bring back the Classic version of WoW. Then came remakes of old classics. The first was StarCraft – a grand RTS game that was loved by millions of fans and which had a no less successful sequel. StarCraft Remastered was a solid game too. But, when they released the remastered version for another RTS classic – Warcraft…

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Blосkсhаin teсhnоlоgies аre evоlving аt аn аstоnishing rаte, сreаting аn enаbling envirоnment fоr entrepreneurs lооking tо stаrt а сryptо business. The сryptо spасe hаs grоwn tremendоusly оver the pаst ten yeаrs, mаny investоrs аnd trаders hаve mаde а fоrtune. There аre а lоt оf prоmising оppоrtunities fоr stаrting а business tоdаy, but the industry соntinues tо expаnd with соmplex prоjeсts. I dоn`t meаn prоjeсts with соmplex teсhniсаl аrсhiteсture, I`m tаlking аbоut сryptосurrenсy tооls thаt peоple use оn а dаily bаsis. Sоmetimes it seems thаt the сreаtоrs оf сryptосurrenсy аpps аre sure thаt it’s perfeсt in terms оf UX\UI, feаtures, аnd…

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Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is an optimized data storage service based in the Cloud where data in its native form – unstructured, semi-structured, or structured data can be stored. Data, regardless of the volume, can be stored in a fully safe environment with data durability at a high of 99.999999999 (11 9s) What is Amazon S3 and the concept of an S3 data lake? In Amazon S3, data is stored in buckets with files containing metadata and objects. For uploading a file or metadata that has to be stored in a bucket, you have to upload an object to…

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Crystals play an important role in today’s modern times. Quartz is used in digital watches, processors and electronic devices, to name a few. Silicon is another popular example, with it being used in displays, computers and smartphones. Not only can crystals power devices we use everyday, it can be utilized to provide a healing effect, or to reduce everyday stress from work and other things. The Healing Energy of Crystals Every object emits some type of energy, and crystals are no exception. The stone’s geometry largely determines which healing energy amethyst crystals produce, for example. What’s exciting is the fact…

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When you hear the word ‘latch,’ the first thing that would probably enter your mind is the fastening device used on doors. In simple terms, a latch is a mechanical device designed to keep panels, doors, and surfaces closed. However, if you go to a hardware store or search online, you’d probably be surprised to learn that there are many types of latches to choose from, including sliding and draw latches. But you shouldn’t be overwhelmed by the choices out there. Despite the variety of latch devices available on the market, they all serve the same purpose: to attach or…

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“The surest foundation of a manufacturing concern is quality. After that, and a long way after, comes cost.” – Andrew Carnegie For over two decades, the ability to outsource certain business processes to maximize profits has been an attractive feature to bottom-line-focused organizations. And rightly so—the cost savings can often be as much as 50% over US-based providers. Call centers make up the vast majority of this move toward offshore labor, and in that regard, the Philippines is the undisputed worldwide leader. As of 2017, 1.3 million Filipinos were employed as call center agents, generating US$22 billion dollars in revenue,…

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If you’re entering Junior College any time soon, chances are you’ve already thought about the subjects you’re going to choose. And, if you haven’t already, you might still be giving it a thought every now and then. While every subject is important in its own way, economics is one of the best ones you could go for. If you haven’t crossed paths with this subject before, let us tell you why. Understanding the Problem of Scarcity and Choice Economics is a subject that covers a wide range of areas, touching every aspect of one’s life one way or another. Not…

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