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The Role of Email Automation for Ecommerce

The Role of Email Automation for Ecommerce

Email marketing remains a solid option for those who wish to attain a high return on investment.

Businesses and e-commerce marketers can do well when they divert their resources to email automation. In this article we talk about email automation and its role in the ecommerce industry.

Email Automation – What is It?

Email automation is the process of sending emails to current, past or future customers without having to lift a single finger. It’s all done automatically- you can pick the message, the offer and the time and an email marketing service does the rest.

Email automation is more than that, though. All the data passes through analytics and is recorded, which means businesses can go back, review what’s good and what’s not and keep the flow optimal.

Why is Email Automation for Ecommerce Beneficial?

Your Subscriber List Grows

Email marketing is one of the surest ways to get your message across. It’s not like other marketing solutions, such as ads and banners in that your message will be sent to an inbox. There, the content waits until it’s opened and read. It’s not easily ignored or forgotten.

Every business will want to grow their subscriber list because it’s where you get a chance to engage with your audience and sell them your products or services. In organic aspects, email automation can grow your subscriber list better than any medium and produce quality leads as well.

Gain Better Reach

The shift to online has proved that reach can climb astronomical levels as long as you have the right tools and marketing plan.

Marketing campaigns are designed to capture as many ‘eyes’ as possible, which is called reach. In a sense, the more people see it then the more beneficial it is for the company.

Email marketing is proven to have excellent reach and efficiency. A single automation can send your material to hundreds of thousands of people in a matter of minutes. What’s more, you’ll be able to count them better than a video ad, for example.

Provides Superb Brand Consistency

With automation you’ll have more time to do what matters most- crafting that killer message and focusing on your brand consistency across all customer levels.

Automation can take over the segmenting and scheduling part, which leaves you with the essentials. You won’t have to get bogged down with the technical details, which results in better marketing performance and metrics.

As is the case in today’s world, brand image is important because customers can easily recognize and align themselves with a brand they like. If this happens, then you’ll have a loyal customer who can be an advocate and carry word of mouth advertising to his or her friends.

Companies should always have a consistent brand so they can compete with bigger entities. They themselves will have a chance to grow into something more, maybe sometimes even beyond what you imagine!

Inexpensive and Worth Every Cent

In a business, every marketing campaign should be worth its weight in gold. Not everyone can afford a full scale effort, and this is where email automation comes into play.

Email marketing is known for its value, which means it can provide a good return on investment. The pricing is usually per email address or list, which is already a good deal since it will be sent straight to their inbox and not just as a passing glance, e.g., video or commercial, for example.

Experts say email is perhaps the most cost-effective marketing medium available right now, which speaks volumes about how it should be incorporated into your marketing endeavors moving forward.

You Get Superb Results in Click Through and Open Rate

In email the top metrics are open rate. Click through is an equally important metric since it dictates how effective the campaign is depending on the reader’s response.

Open rate is when a reader opens the email and reads through the content, which click-through is when he or she takes the desired action, e.g., signs up for a membership or buys your product.

Suffice to say, in order for an email to be successful it has to have a good click through rate, which means the reader is engaged and compelled to take the action you want him or her to do. This leads to higher sales and of course, return on investment.

Automated and scheduled emails can play a role in improving open rate and clickthrough. As long as you put out a killer ad your readers will respond in the best way possible.

Low Risk, High Reward

Lastly, email automation can extend the benefits of email marketing as it’s a relatively low risk and high reward process.

Marketing on social media and aggregate sites can be volatile since you don’t own them. The rules can change any minute and lead to the shutting down of your ecommerce platform.

In search, algorithms constantly change- you can find yourself at the bottom if you’re not up to date and cater to the things the engine wishes you to do.

In email marketing you own the list, which means you control every aspect including distribution, content and more. You won’t have to worry about the social media site shutting down or implementing changes that affect your e-commerce platform.

You will have a level of freedom compared to having to compete with others on social media. Automation ensures you continue to reap the benefits of email marketing without devoting most of your time to it.

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