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Five Reasons Celebration of Life Funerals are Becoming Increasingly Popular

Five Reasons Celebration of Life Funerals are Becoming Increasingly Popular

A celebration of life memorial service is a ceremony that offers an alternative to the traditional or religious funeral. It is an opportunity to remember a loved one in any way you like without the set structure of a traditional ceremony.

The options for a celebration of life are virtually endless. Here are a number of reasons to consider one:

1. They offer a personal touch

The ultimate benefit of a celebration of life is that it gives you the freedom to best represent you, celebrating the life you led, including your loves, hobbies, and beliefs. Essentially, the ceremony can include anything that you think best suits your interests and personality.

2. There is a focus on difference

Everyone has a unique set of characteristics that reflect their personality. A traditional ceremony doesn’t always portray this in an effective way. With a celebration of life ceremony, you can accommodate all personality types. If someone loves sport, you could choose a funeral plan that includes a coffin with a sports image on or maybe a wake at your chosen local club.

3. They are celebratory

Rather than focusing on mourning a loved one, there is a focus on celebrating and remembering their life. Due to the experience being tailored, there is a higher chance that it will be a positive experience for those attending. You can also take great comfort in planning something that you hope will be a happy experience for those you loved, to remember what made you individual and for them to exchange stories of your life.

4. There are no rules or conventions

Sometimes people find the structure of a funeral constrictive, meaning they are unable to express themselves freely or positively. Rather than offering comfort, a traditional funeral for some may restrict the grief process. Without the restrictions people feel more at ease to talk, to laugh, or to cry.

5. There are little restrictions

There is flexibility in all aspects of planning a celebration of life. A celebration of life service is often held after the body has been buried or cremated. This allows your family more time to come together, especially if the passing is unexpected and sudden. It is not uncommon for families to hold a celebration of life weeks or even months after their loved one has been buried or cremated.

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