Author: Cristina Macias

Cristina Macias is a 25-year-old writer who enjoys reading, writing, Rubix cube, and listening to the radio. She is inspiring and smart, but can also be a bit lazy.

Global crises don’t always stop criminals in their tracks – in fact, they can create a whole host of new opportunities to part you with your cash. The COVID-19 crisis may have sent shockwaves across the world, but many criminals have used the situation to their advantage. By reading up on the latest online and offline scams, you can reduce the chances of falling prey to criminals. This is particularly important now as we can see ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ with a vaccine, it’s understandable that one might breathe a sigh of relief and be tempted to…

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Even for those of us directly involved in tech and computing, it can be exhausting to try to closely follow news and developments in the area of cybersecurity. Not only has there been a wealth of cybersecurity news over the last several years, most of it surrounding major security breaches tied to enormous brands, but there also always seems to be another breach on the horizon, despite concentrated efforts to prevent openings in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity tech continues to advance, and even 2-factor authentication alone has had a measurable benefit for the average user. But we can always count on hackers…

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Instagram is a far cry from the simple social media sharing app at first started out as. While it might just have been a way for you to share photos with your friends and family on an online platform, it has now expanded to include not only brands who want to promote their products but aspiring influencers who want to make a decent income by marketing themselves. Because the Instagram algorithm is always changing, what Instagram looks like in 2021 is going to be different than any other year. With this in mind, let’s take a look at Instagram trends…

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If you are hoping to get real YouTube views and subscribers, you best be ready to put in some hard work. YouTube, and its influence, have continued to grow, making it one of the most influential platforms online. Increasing your following means building a reputable brand image, channel and can result in profitability. Doing this the right way will leave you with greater rewards for all the time you have spent to plan, create and target the right audience. Connect with Your Audience When creating your content you want to connect with your audience as best as you can. This…

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Instagram used to be a place for people to simply share images with their friends and family. However, these days, it has been taken over by the pros, and it is now a competitive landscape fought over by brands, both big and small. This means that if you are trying to grow Instagram profile either for personal or business reasons, then you are up against seasoned professionals who have spent a lot of time working out how to be successful. While this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for you to be successful yourself, it does mean that you have your…

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It’s an obvious move if you have a business with global ambitions. Your website is your face to the world. Once you gain traction in your home market, consider what’s next. Often that means opening to different languages and diverse cultures. So even though going global seems an obvious way to gain new audiences and customers, the effort it takes to achieve success can be costly and complicated. So this is a brief guide for anyone considering, or pursuing, a website localization project. Who Performs Website Localization? There are thousands of firms which perform the service of localizing websites, adapting…

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Home renovations are constant and must be done to keep your home in proper shape. Renovations and repairs keep the health of your house in perfect condition. Besides these, various maintenance works must be done to the house before the beginning or completion of an excellent season to keep the house season-proof. Here is a few maintenance-related works that must be done to your home to bear the brunt of the upcoming winter Nexus Homebuyers. It is wintertime, and if you have not done any home renovations recently, you may be in for a rough go of it. Snow and…

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Monitoring screen time is essential to your kids’ health and online safety. In today’s world it isn’t as easy as allowing only X hours per day for your children. Most parents will no doubt agree that a screen time app should be installed on their children’s phones. You will also need to follow these best practices. Ways to Monitor Screen Time and Ensure Online Safety Communication is Key. Parents should sit down and talk with their children to understand what’s going on in their world. When communication lines are open they will be more receptive and can tell you about…

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When most students see the word ‘science’, they, probably, associate it with boredom. However, the world of investigations is a wonderful place to be in and, as most college teachers think, to write about. With one type of college or university assignment, you can turn to professional academic writing services such as Smart Writing Service; others require your own hand. So, today we will get you help and inspire writing on some fresh topics about science. In reality, you might not always become a prominent scientist after creating a few papers at college. Moreover, you might not even slightly connect…

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Evolution in technology is facilitating us with an excellent and useful invention for different purposes in daily life. The energy crisis always demands the best and efficient source for energy storage and energy conversion. Batteries are the electrochemical process by which energy is stored in terms of charging, and after some time, the discharging process occurs. Why are Lithium-Ion batteries being used nowadays? Lithium-ion batteries are considered the most efficient source for energy storage nowadays. The energy storage efficiency makes it the most prominent batteries having more durability, charging capability, and voltage handling capability. Lithium-ion batteries are being used in…

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