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5 Big Things To Think About Before Taking A Plea Deal

5 Big Things To Think About Before Taking A Plea Deal

You wouldn’t be the first person to accept a plea deal even though you know you’re innocent. When you’re staring at lots of years in prison, it’s easy to opt for a shorter sentence so you can see your kids grow up.

Just make sure you’re 100% sure before agreeing to anything. Accepting a plea deal from the prosecutor isn’t always as good as it seems. Let’s discuss a few things you’ll need to think about before signing anything official.

1. You’ll End Up In Prison

When you take a plea deal, you’ll likely end up serving time in prison. It’s not something you should underestimate because you’re desperate to avoid a long stretch. Prison is worse than you think, which is saying something.

Sexual assault attorneys will tell you it’s even more difficult when you’re charged with certain crimes. Don’t ignore the fact you could win in court, which will be easier if you have a good lawyer on your side.

2. Your Life Could Change

If you hit someone accidentally while driving your car, people are going to forgive you unless the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in your blood is too high. It’s different when you hurt someone while driving drunk.

That’s just one example of a crime that will hurt your life if you’re convicted, even if you take a plea deal to reduce your sentence. It’s going to be almost impossible to live a normal life when you get out of prison.

3. Unlikely You Can Appeal

When the prosecutor offers you a plea deal, it will come with certain stipulations. In most cases, you won’t be allowed to appeal your sentence once it’s over. You will be guilty of a crime for the rest of your life.

It’s not a good situation to be in when you know you’re innocent. Do you think evidence will present itself at a later date that might prove your innocence? It’s a tricky situation you’ll need to discuss with your lawyer.

4. Right To Stay In Country

Are you a citizen of the country you’re being charged in? If you aren’t found guilty of committing a crime, you might be allowed to stay. Once you accept a plea deal, you’re telling everyone you are guilty as charged.

When you get out of prison in the future, you could be kicked out of the country straight away. If you’re convicted of a serious crime, you probably won’t be allowed back inside for the rest of your life.

5. Getting A Better Plea Deal

Your lawyer might unearth extra evidence before your trial, which could help you stay out of prison. Even if it’s not enough to ensure your innocence, you might be in a better position to negotiate a plea deal.

If you’ve already accepted one, you won’t be able to change it. A prosecutor won’t give you less time in prison because you find more evidence. It sometimes feels like they want to put you away even if you’re innocent.

Always Take Your Time

Don’t fall for anyone who says they’re going to take a deal off the table if you don’t decide within minutes. Take your time when you’re deciding whether or not to accept a plea deal.

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