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Three Popular Types of Cosmetic Surgery on the Market Today

Three Popular Types of Cosmetic Surgery on the Market Today

Many people today are more image-conscious than ever before. Those seeking to improve their self-image may do so in a number of ways, whether it’s dieting, exercising, dyeing their hair, or in some cases, cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic plastic surgery is more popular than ever before, with many looking to book with the best plastic surgery clinic in Toronto, hoping to help enhance their appearance in one way or another.

These are a few of the most popular types of cosmetic procedures that people get done.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

We all know “the boob job,” the slang term for standard breast augmentation and breast implants. Implants are made of a casing filled with either a sterile saline solution or a thick silicone gel.

However, not every person seeking breast augmentation desires implants and seeks a more natural approach to enhancing their breasts. Fortunately, there is a newer form of breast augmentation, known as fat transfer breast augmentation.

During a fat transfer, liposuction is used to remove fat cells from an unwanted part of the body, such as the stomach or thighs, and then transferred to the breasts to increase their volume. Besides not requiring the use of foreign materials, fat transfer breast augmentations typically last a lifetime, as long as the patient remains at a similar weight.


Liposuction is one of the top five most popular forms of plastic surgery performed every year. Unlike the popular misconception about the procedure, liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. Instead, liposuction is a fat removal procedure that helps remove the stubborn cells of fat that can stay in parts of the body that are not easy to burn fat in, even with diet and exercise.

Chin, jawline, neck, love handles, and upper arms are all areas that can benefit from liposuction, though the procedure can be performed almost anywhere on the body where stubborn fat can store. This versatility is a big part of why this liposuction is so popular!

While a person rarely loses more than five pounds from liposuction, the overall body contour is improved, leaving a person with a smoother and more streamlined appearance.

Face Lift

With remote digital workplaces being more popular than ever, there has been an increased focus on our faces than ever before due to cameras for Zoom calls being the new normal.

Facelifts work to remove sagging skin, wrinkles, discolorations, and more from the face, helping to turn back the clock by roughly a decade!

There are many types of facelifts, ranging from minor mini-facelifts that target small portions of the face like the jowls to the full facelift, which treats everything from sagging jawline to drooping brows.

During a facelift, discreet incisions are typically made into the hairline, and the skin is pulled back and tightened. Other popular surgeries to combine with a facelift are blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) to help further reduce wrinkle and sagging skin around the eyes.

Fat transfers can be performed on the face as well to allow for fuller volume in the cheeks and help reduce the presence of deeper wrinkles that are caused by dried-up fat cells.

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