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Three Common Breast Reduction Myths

Three Common Breast Reduction Myths

Many women are wondering what to expect when they have breast reduction surgery. If you consider breast reduction surgery, it’s essential to talk to your doctor about your options and what to expect. Breast reduction surgery is a safe and effective procedure that can improve your quality of life. Still, sadly there are a lot of myths floating around our society claiming how breast reduction procedures are hazardous.

The misconception that breast reduction surgery is excruciating

They say that many women think that breast reduction surgery is going to hurt. It’s not true. In reality, the surgery is relatively minor and performed under general anesthesia. However, it will make your nipples feel different. You will be able to go home the same day that you’ve had surgery, and you may experience some pain and swelling in the days following surgery. The pain will gradually subside. Your doctor will give you pain medications after your surgery to help ensure that you have a comfortable recovery. Linked to this myth about breast reduction surgery being painful is another misconception that the nipples get taken off or that they get sewn back on, which isn’t true. In reality, the sensitive skin around the nipple gets lowered to where it used to be, and then it gets reattached to your chest wall muscles. You may feel discomfort in your nipples for weeks following surgery when this occurs. Your doctor can prescribe pain medication if needed after surgery. Tenderness in your breasts and nipples will gradually decrease over time after breast reduction surgery.

The misconception that once the breast reduction procedure gets done, it is permanent

Another common breast reduction myth is that breast reduction surgery is irreversible, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, a doctor will use a laser to cut through skin and fat tissue before moving it up with sutures to where breasts are not as saggy. In addition, surgeons have developed techniques that don’t involve stitches or sutures, so there are no visible scars on chest wall muscles. If the post-surgery results do not please you, you can have the surgery done again, only after waiting a year or two. Not everyone who gets breast reduction surgery is delighted with their post-surgery results. However, most women report feeling like a new person and feeling much more confident in their appearance following breast reduction surgery. It’s also important to consider your options when considering breast reduction surgery. Some techniques do not require stitches or result in visible scars (such as laser-assisted liposuction), so you may want to talk with your doctor about these procedures before making a decision. Also, keep in mind that nowadays, doctors have found ways to decrease risks involved during the surgical process, among other things, now giving patients more opportunities than ever to get successful surgery results.

The misconception that breast reduction surgery affects the sensitivity of women’s nipples and the breastfeeding capability of women

Another misconception about breast reduction surgery is that women lose sensitivity in their nipples. In reality, surgeons usually cut away skin and fat tissue around breasts instead of cutting through nerves to remove them entirely from the body. Nerves do not get destroyed during this process, so there is still feeling present following this surgery. Many women report heightened sensations in their nipples after surgery. The skin around the nipple is cut away from the underlying breast tissue and then reattached to the chest muscles themselves. A vast majority of women are satisfied with their results after the breast reduction surgery procedure. Most admit to regaining the sensitivity of their nipples back after the surgery is done to them gets fully healed. Nerve function returns pretty quickly, and after a few months, almost all sensation has returned and stayed normal. If you’re considering breast reduction surgery, make sure that it’s for your reasons and consider all your options before deciding. Not everyone who gets breast reduction surgery is happy with their results. Still, most women lose little or no sensitivity in their nipples following this type of surgical procedure. Another common misconception strongly tied to the loss of sensitivity around the nipples is that breast reduction surgery causes problems with breastfeeding. There is no problem caused as long as breast tissue and nipples get preserved during surgery, then milk supply will still come through just as before if not better than before.

Although it is not common, there are facts about some risks involved with breast reduction surgery that people should know about. Hemorrhage or bleeding during the operation is one of the complications, but these are sporadic cases. Few other reasons for this include infection where incisions are made in your breasts to remove extra tissue and make them smaller again with stitching together after removing it, which causes any untreated infections to run through your bloodstream. Finally, wound separation can occur when the incision heals too quickly without enough time for scar tissue to form between two cut ends of the skin leading to a gap between them. If this happens, then you will require revision surgery. Scarring is also a common issue that many women complain about after surgery.

Unfortunately, breast tissue has a likelihood of growing back after breast reduction over time. This growth means that you may need to undergo additional surgery to maintain your results. Make sure to talk to your surgeon about the likelihood of this happening and what you can do to prevent it.

Breast reduction surgery is a standard procedure for many women and can relieve chronic back pain, neck pain, shoulder pains, and other discomforts. There are some misconceptions about the surgical process, which are now giving patients more opportunities than ever to get successful surgery results. Although there are risks involved with breast reduction surgery, most people report satisfaction with their post-surgical experience following this procedure done by qualified surgeons who have previously performed these types of surgeries.

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