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Reconstruction Facial Surgery After Facial Trauma-What to Expect?

Reconstruction Facial Surgery After Facial Trauma-What to Expect?

Your life can take a turn in a heartbeat. A facial injury can occur through an attack, sports injury, or a car accident. It is a harrowing experience as the face is one of the body’s most prominent features. You may cower in shame because of your scars. However, plastic surgery offers you a way back to normalcy.

Facial trauma involves a whole lot of injuries. Some accidents cause trivial injuries, while others leave broken and large wounds on your face. No matter the extent of the damage, facial plastic surgeons can help to repair the scars. The process involves original repair, follow-up, and future revision. Facial reconstruction surgery can be found here.

Common Facial Reconstruction Procedures

There are several facial restoration procedures like skull base surgery, nasal reconstruction, cleft lip, and many more. Here are the most common procedures:

1. Ear Reconstruction and Otoplasty

The victim’s year may get detached from the head in some cases. The plastic surgery team may opt to try reattaching back the ear. In some circumstances, the team may grow a new ear from the rib cartilage; they construct the ear from scratch and attach it to the head. The inner ear can also be grown in extreme trauma cases where it is blown out.

2. Rhinoplasty

It refers to the restoration of the nose; it includes reconstructing the sputum, mucous membranes, and nasal passages. The procedure is applicable in non-traumatic instances, making it well established and increasing its odds of success.

3. Jaw Surgery and Mentoplasty

It refers to the reconstruction of the jawline and chin in cases of significant trauma that affect the lower cheek. A maxillofacial surgeon does the procedure.

4. Facial Reanimation Surgery

The procedure applies in full or partial paralysis; the surgery team reconnects the severed muscles or nerves. Muscles are reconnected to jump-start the face functionality before doing the aesthetic procedure.

5. Oculoplasty

It is a partial or complete restoration of the eye socket. The procedure needs detailed preparation and a significant recovery time. Damage of brow ridges is the common cause of this procedure. The plastic surgeon may be forced to do a complete overhaul in dire situations.

Use of 3D Implants in Facial Reconstruction

There are cases where severe trauma leads to permanent disfigurement of the face. A facial implant comes in handy in helping to restore the lost natural features. The implants are made using inert biological materials to lessen the body’s odds of rejecting them. The primary goal of 3D facial implants is to reconstruct the feel, mechanics, and look of a natural bone. This technology is revolutionary as it goes toe to toe with anatomy, improving the chances of regaining his features. By using the technology, surgeons can figure out the anticipated and current facial structure before operating.

Creation of 3D Implants

Technology is an immense advancement in contemporary medicine. Computer-generated printing is made using high-resolution imaging like MRI and CT files. The imaging bolsters the surgeon’s ability to tackle bone deficiencies and adapt to other traumatic facial injuries.

Through digital imaging, a foundation based on the patient’s entire bone structure is built. The mode is changed into a mirror image. Using the mirror image asymmetrical facial prosthetic is crafted. The printed pieces are effective in complex reconstruction; they can mirror even tiny areas like bone fragments.

Facial implants can be printed using porous polyethylene or titanium powder on laser machines. The equipment heats the powder and integrates it into bone-like forms. The result is an implant that shows a personalized prosthesis that displays the original natural look of the patient.

What to Expect During the First Meeting with the Surgeon?

You are likely meeting the surgeon for the first time since your injury. The doctor will try to make you as comfortable as possible due to the traumatic experience. The doctor will gauge what repair he will do on the initial injury.

Procedure and Care

Facial reconstruction can occur in a hospital, outpatient surgery center, or office-based facility. Before surgery, the surgeon does a thorough examination and background check to assess your tissues. The assessment helps determine whether your skin will be used in reconstruction or an implant or prosthetic will be enlisted.

Anesthesia is used to calm you down and make you sleep to avoid pain. If you are undergoing a minor procedure, local anesthesia and sedative medications will numb the surgical area. The doctor will elaborate on the most effective method before starting the surgery.

Recovering from the Surgery

Recovery varies from individual to individual. Everyone responds to the treatment differently, and the healing process depends on the patient’s general health, age, and the underlying damage of the face. Other factors are the surgery techniques, pain tolerance, and patient’s attitudes.

The surgeons try to minimize the scars by hiding incisions naturally under the facial folds. Eventually, the visible scars will heal, appearing like thin lines darker or paler than the surrounding skin, depending on your skin color.

Before you undergo surgery, it is prudent to discuss the course of recovery with your surgeon. Touch on activities, care for the surgical areas, dressings, drains, bandages, medication, sleep, swimming, and diet.

If the surgery left an incision, clean it daily using warm soapy water and pat the area dry after that. You can use a cold pack of ice on your jaw or face for 10 minutes at a time. Use a thin cloth between your skin and the ice. While sleeping, use a few pillows and a reclining seat while resting.

You must carefully follow the post-surgery instructions, especially these:

● Avoid some environments and activities that put a strain on the operated areas.

● Making follow up appointments

● Keeping tabs with the surgery teams to immediately alert if a problem arises significantly elevated pain.

How Long is the Facial Reconstructive Surgery Recovery Time?

The recovery period is dependent on the level and type of restoration done and whether there will be further treatments. During this period, you may experience swelling and bruising of your face. Typically, complex cases take a longer time to heal.

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