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Moving Out? How To Ensure You Get Your Rental Bond Money Back

Moving Out? How To Ensure You Get Your Rental Bond Money Back

Are you planning on moving out and worried about losing your security deposit? If you are a renter, one of the costs associated with moving into a new rental is the rental bond. However, things become complicated when you want to leave that area but can’t get all of your bond back. There are a variety of scenarios in which you could not receive your whole bond amount returned.

Hence, there are a few things you may do to facilitate the return of your security deposit when you leave a rental property. The trouble is, you may not have recognized any of these problems when you first moved here. So, what strategy do you plan to use to retrieve your bond? If you follow the advice in this article, you should be able to obtain your whole deposit back when you vacate your apartment.

Scan the lease agreement for any discrepancies

Make sure everything in the lease is fair by reading it thoroughly. A contract could include that the tenant is responsible for cleaning the ceiling before moving out. Some may argue that the windows’ inside and exterior need cleaning. Be cautious about double-checking your commitments and seeking a renegotiation of any terms that don’t make sense.

Complete the Property Condition Report accurately

The property condition form must be filled out accurately. Please complete this form before you move into your new house. Though it may take some time, this will be beneficial to you in the end. Take careful note of any imperfections, such as nicks, smudges, or dents. The failure to do so might result in a chargeback when you attempt to leave the premises. Look through the cabinets, the closets, the attic, the basement, the garage, the attic, the basement, and the attic.

Snap some before and after pictures

It is vital to photograph the premises. The realtor should help you fill out the property report, but you should ask them to wait a few days so you can do it at your own pace. If you see anything that doesn’t seem right, snap a picture of it and provide it to the real estate agent. If you find that snapping pictures isn’t working, try keeping a written list with a date and having the agent sign off on it instead. If you don’t do this immediately, you might run into trouble later.

Deliver Adequate Notice

Tell your agent that you want to move out shortly. Communication in writing is acceptable for this purpose. However, under a fixed-term lease, the notice period is between 14 and 28 days. If you don’t have this contract, you may want to consider a 28-day notice.

Start Your Cleaning Day Early

Be sure to tidy up in advance and check with the agent to see if the carpets need to be steam cleaned. Landlords often cite cleaning as a justification for returning a portion of a tenant’s security deposit. Make sure the place is spotless and that you perform your obligations under the lease. Renters nowadays may easily find professional cleaning services to help them out towards the end of their lease. Furthermore, some of them boast that they will return your bond money no matter what.

Cleaning Checklist for Moving Out of an Apartment

When cleaning an apartment, start at the top and work your way down to the floor (floors, baseboards, carpet). As you clean, dust and grime will settle on the floor, eliminating the need to repeatedly sweep or vacuum the area.

●     Dust ceiling fans and remove cobwebs

You may have forgotten about cleaning the ceiling the whole time you were renting, but you need to do it now. You can get rid of those spider webs with the use of a broom or a vacuum.

●     Clean the glass

Clean your windows using a special window or glass cleaner. To remove streaks from your windows, just spray on the solution and wipe with a lint-free cloth. If your windows contain sliding parts, you should clean the dust from between the tracks and in the locks.

●     Remove nails and repair walls

The gallery wall was beautiful so long as it lasted, but now it’s time to repair the damage. Restore the wall to its former condition with the use of commercial putty and paint of the same colour as the wall (often provided by the landlord). The substance should be applied using a putty knife.

●     Double-check the lights

See whether any of the bulbs need to be replaced, and do so. Fixtures and light switches should be dusted and disinfected using cleaning wipes. Reach those high ceiling lights with ease with an extension duster arm.

●     Maintaining the air conditioner

When it comes to keeping your air conditioner running well, a professional air conditioning service on a regular basis is the single most critical thing you can do to keep the reverse cycle air conditioning unit working optimally. If your air conditioning unit is not serviced, it can result in reduced airflow and overall system efficiency result from dirty or clogged filters.

The tenant is responsible for maintaining the property in a fairly clean and risk-free condition, which includes this.

The Wrap Up

An application for a bond refund copy may be obtained from property management. So that you don’t have to wait to receive your bond returned, be sure to provide them with the right bank account information. Make sure you have signatures from all renters listed on the lease. It must be made very clear where the various percentages of the bond return go. It’s a popular reason for holding things up.

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