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Modern Tech-Inspired Ideas to Show Off Your Vinyl Record Collection

Modern Tech-Inspired Ideas to Show Off Your Vinyl Record Collection

Old tech is new again, as evidenced by retro devices fetching millions of likes and huge sums of money in auctions. In the same vein, vinyl record collectors can now dig out their favorite records and put them on display. Here are several ways you can highlight your cool records.

Dedicate a Space

Find a spot where visitors can see your vinyl records. It could be in the living room, your bedroom, or your business establishment. The space doesn’t have to be big- a square foot or two should be enough with a high-quality record cabinet.

A Sustainable Record Cabinet to Highlight

Set up your records in one fell swoop with a sustainable record cabinet. It’s an all-in-one stand designed to hold your records, turntable, and speakers, and it can act as a jukebox in that regard. Having all your vinyl in one place and in a conspicuous spot is the start of showing your record collection to those who might be interested.

Add a Feature Piece

A feature piece can be added to the cabinet to further attract people’s attention. Color can make it pop more, or maybe a design element that speaks about your music preference or style.

Upgrade to a Modern Turntable

Even the classic turntable can have a few tech upgrades to make the record sound better. There’s a saying that the old ways are still the best. However, if you’re tech-inclined and want to experience modern options and solutions, then feel free to shop online for your next modern turntable.

Host a Party

Now that everything’s set, it’s time to host a gathering. Put the record cabinet and records in a prominent place and it’s sure to be a great conversation piece. A small gathering with close friends is best so you can speak with them for longer.

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