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Looking For a Way to Promote Music on Spotify?

Looking For a Way to Promote Music on Spotify?

Apart from the ever-changing trends and insane competition, another challenge that artists in the music industry have to deal with is marketing. Promoting your work in today’s platform can be a nightmare if you don’t have the strategies that will give you value for your money.

Hence, when several people asked me about using to promote their songs, I decided to check them out. I wasn’t ready for the mind-blowing experience, and now I will share everything I learned about their YouTube Music Video promotion, radio airplay promotion, Spotify playlist promotion, etc.

What Is Playlist-Promotion.Com? is a music promotion service that specializes in Spotify promotion, YouTube Music Video promotion and Radio promotion.

I tried all 3 services and got:

• More than 300,000 YouTube views
• Over 80 radio stations giving them airplay
• More than 100,000 Spotify streams
• Over 2000 followers

Who Uses Playlist-Promotion.Com?

The ideal clients at are people who want to:

• Get the best organic Spotify promotion
• Promote music video on YouTube
• get a song on the radio

Playlist-Promotion.Com Pricing

I got the chance to go through their pricelist, and I know that as an artist or promoter, you would love to know how much you’re likely to spend on these curators.
• YouTube music video promotion campaign goes for $250 on the lower side.
• Radio promotion starts at $1500
• Organic Spotify promotion campaign starts at $350

Preparing For the Playlist-Promotion.Com Meeting

To get the best results, you need to know how the platform works and what to do before engaging the music curators. As an artist, I discovered that you need to create a game plan before signing up at Failing to plan is planning to fail. Let’s talk about the plan a little;

Creating A Game Plan

The first question I had to ask myself is; what do I want to achieve with I mean, my investment is not small! Thus, I listed my specific objectives, and you can do that too. For instance, you want:
1. Spotify Promotion
2. YouTube music video promotion service
3. Submitting music to radio stations

Once you have clear goals, it’s time to test them. I opted for the $1500 radio promotion package, 250,000 views on YouTube, and the 500,000 follower-reach Spotify package.

How Playlist-Promotion.Com Works

I’m sure you would want to know what went down when I submitted my objectives to the experts at

First, they explained everything they offer in simple terms to ensure I understood everything before I made a purchase.

Then they repeated my objectives (game plan) to me to ensure they understood what I wanted to accomplish.

Lastly, after I paid for the services I wanted, an executive called me to know the details of the content and music I wanted in my press release- they submitted the press release to top stations like Fox and CBS without asking me for additional funds.

The next stage was determining my target audience, which is a critical step to getting the desired results.

How Is the Target Audience Determined?

At this point, I ensured that the curators understood that I wanted my music played through various media outlets. Therefore, they researched my target audience and classified them into Pop, Electropop, Dance.

They further divided the audience according to:
1. Gender
2. Personality types
3. Preferred social media platforms
4. Age
5. Submissions they receive, etc.

The Final Results

Once the curators got to work and my campaign went live, I gained over 2000 new followers, and my songs were streamed 100,000 times in record time. Don’t even get me started on the number of times my content was liked, shared and reposted.

Bottom line: I got value for my investment, so I highly recommend to fellow artists and promoters especially those who want to increase their fanbase.

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