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Hassan Shibly Discusses the challenges of Overcoming Smear Campaigns

Hassan Shibly Discusses the challenges of Overcoming Smear Campaigns

Attorney Hassan Shibly explains the short- and long-term repercussions of a smear campaign

Smear campaigns are a reputational blow with an impact many victims can never fully defeat, according to attorney Hassan Shibly. From an impact on immediate reputation to the fostering of long-term doubts, even the most ill-constructed effort to maliciously may have long-term consequences.

With social media amplifying these events, the opportunity for long-term harm is even greater. Still, there are action steps many take to fight the impacts, including seeking financial restitution from orchestrators. Any approach is often multi-faceted and follows a somewhat consistent path through the initial impact to reputation rebuilding.

Hassan Shibly shares the journey of smear campaign recovery

Initial hit to reputation and finances

Smear campaigns carry a heavy blow, with the greatest impact often felt initially. Smear campaigns can include social media posts, purposeful manipulation of online reviews, airing allegations in local media, and maliciously targeting a person or business to cause harm. Some smear campaigns evolve into filing frivolous lawsuits to draw additional attention.

In all instances, the targeted person is immediately impacted by either a loss of a business, a change in social connections or status, or even additional contacts from close connections who want to know more about what is happening. Even well-meaning inquiries are stressful during this time, and the burden can be emotionally overwhelming as more urgent concerns, such as attempting removal of material or consulting with an attorney, are addressed, Hassan Shibly advises.

Decline in interest

After the immediate blow, many smear campaigns go dormant if negative actions are not repeated. The daily assault is no longer a problem for the victim, but there is still a fallout. For a business, this can be a long-term loss of customers and revenue that is hard to rise above. Falsely targeted individuals may experience various psychological effects and be unable to enjoy social activities or use social media any longer due to concerns of a repeat experience or the smear campaign being brought up again. For some victims, these consequences carry over for the long term and may be a consistent concern throughout life though some worries gradually ebb more as more distance is placed between an initial event.

During this timeframe, there is also the logistical and possible financial burden of legal action addressing the smear campaign. Libel or other lawsuits may be filed, and other actions may be taken to remove harmful content from digital platforms. A loss of time and money is still experienced, even though the burden may be less than in the immediate aftermath.

Rebuilding and beyond

The rebuilding phase for a victim is ongoing. It involves reestablishing a presence either in the same social settings and field as previously enjoyed or in a new sphere, Hassan Shibly advises. Some victims can comfortably reassert themselves in their existing organizations or continue in their previous line of work without concerns. Others may feel tainted by the allegations or even be treated differently in their field and seek a new line of work. Some join new groups or change their religious institution or clubs to spend time with new people who are less likely to judge them based on innuendo.

This phase can also include more complex efforts to repair the reputation, including asking for retractions of unproved allegations, successfully defending a frivolous lawsuit, or even receiving restitution or a settlement for false claims. These efforts can pay long-term dividends and gradually recover as more time — even years and decades — passes.

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