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Average Monthly Weight Loss After Gastric Sleeve

Average Monthly Weight Loss After Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgery involves the removal of about 80% of your original stomach volume, leaving behind a small, sleeve-shaped pouch. The procedure will also cut down the production of natural hunger hormone ghrelin in your body. These changes will help you to reduce your meal portions and curb your appetite, leading to progressive weight loss.

Most patients experience an average monthly weight loss after gastric sleeve of about 8 to 12 lbs in the first year. The rate of weight loss will be most rapid in the first three months, and will begin to taper down thereafter. You could successfully lose up to 70% of your excess weight at the end of one year.

The rate of weight reduction will be considerably lower in the following years, but if you are able to maintain your weight loss at 65 to 70% of your excess body weight, you would have achieved a sustainable victory over your obesity problem. With a determined focus on your long-term gastric sleeve diet plan, you could achieve your ideal body weight at 24 to 36 months.

Expected Weight Loss Progression in the First Two Years

Your average monthly weight loss after gastric sleeve in the first two years is likely to fall within the following range:

Actual Monthly Weight Loss Results will Vary

It is important to understand that the figures we have discussed in this article only refer to your average monthly weight loss after gastric sleeve. Individual results are going to vary. Your weight loss journey is going to have its ups and downs, and the progressive weight reduction may not happen at a very consistent rate.

At times, you may go through phases of a weight loss plateau, where no matter what you do, your body weight may stagnate. With some adjustments to your diet and exercise regimen, your bariatric team should be able to help restore your progressive weight loss. In some circumstances, you may even find that you are regaining some of your weight as weeks and months go by.

Do not ignore these conditions, and always share the situation with your bariatric surgeon. Keep a track of your weight loss, monitor your diet and fitness routine, and ideally, maintain a journal where you record your daily, weekly, or monthly progress. Meticulous record keeping will help you report accurately to your surgeon during your follow-up appointments.

Achieving Sustainable Success with Your Weight Loss

While the average monthly weight loss after gastric sleeve shows an encouraging picture, you should note that these figures largely pertain only to the first one or two years. This is the initial part of your post-surgical life, when your motivation levels are at the peak. Chances are that you will be more committed during the early months, and you may experience dramatic weight loss results.

However, as your diet normalizes and you re-introduce all types of solid food into your diet, there is always a possibility that you might again start inching back towards eating larger portions, eating more than three meals, eating just one large meal that’s beyond what’s needed, eating food loaded with calories, and/or snacking between meals. If you wish to experience the lifelong benefits of your gastric sleeve surgery, it is vital to remain true to your recommended diet and fitness routine for a lifetime.

The tradeoff is extremely favorable. By giving up unhealthy eating habits and choosing an active and balanced lifestyle after your gastric sleeve, you can enjoy a more fulfilling and enriching life. This transformative weight loss procedure will not only enhance your health and personality, but also improve your self-confidence and emotional well-being. It is not at all difficult to do it – that’s the whole purpose of your gastric sleeve surgery.

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