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5 Best Practices For Front End Web Design In 2021

5 Best Practices For Front End Web Design In 2021

In the modern digital age, an increasing number of companies are connecting their business to the Internet. Therefore, there is a high demand for hire front end developer which are usually created by professional software engineers. Today, websites play an important role in both business and government. 

PWA technology

With a growing number of smartphones, the need for hiring front-end developers for creating websites has increased.

Until 2007 (when smartphones started to gain popularity), most users opened websites in Internet Explorer, which had no specific requirements. At that time, smartphones already had a built-in camera, GPS support and some other functions, but they were used only natively (autonomously). 

With the development of PWA (Progressive Web App) technology, the native functions of smartphones became available without the installation and launch of apps from the Play Store or App Store. Consequently, with the spread of PWAs, the demand for web development services will only grow. If you’re developing a similar web application, it will be cross-platform (and not native).

1. HTML, CSS and JavaScript

The most essential web development tools are HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

If you compare the website structure to the human body, HTML can be called a skeleton. JavaScript is like a brain, which allows you to perform complex operations, such as video playback, display of interactive content, etc. CSS adds style to the website. These tools can also be considered as different types of clothes. All of them are indispensable for the front end development company.

2. React

React is a powerful JavaScript library used to create interactive user interfaces. React uses component design, so it splits your interface into components. Parent component renders all child components. The main distinction of this frontend framework is a virtual DOM (document object model).

Real DOM is basically a tree representation of the HTML rendered by the browser. Virtual DOM is identical to real DOM. We can safely assume that virtual DOM is a copy of the real model. It has the same properties as a DOM object but can’t change the content displayed on the screen. Virtual DOM provides a fast user experience.

After code changes, each component in the virtual DOM is re-rendered and then compared to a snapshot of the previous state of the virtual DOM. Real DOM will only update the parts of the UI that have changed. This process is also known as “reconciliation” (coordination/synchronization). Therefore, React allows you to create fast and efficient user interfaces.

3. Redux

As is known, React uses a component approach (i.e. parent component is used to render child components). We pass data (also known as “props”) from the parent component to the child component. When we need to send the data from the parent component to the child component (or even further), we are faced with a task known as “prop drilling”. This means that you need to pass data to all intermediate child components. The Redux library is used to solve this task.

Redux is used in front-end frameworks for application state management. We can solve this problem using the Redux library, as it has all the necessary data available from any part of the UI and obtained through prop drilling. Redux can be used in data-rich applications where a single data source is required.

4. TypeScript

“According to last year’s Stack Overflow poll, TypeScript is the second most popular programming language.

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.” Released by Microsoft in 2012, TypeScript is an open-source language. Taking into account the versatility of JavaScript, some minor bugs can cause serious problems. TypeScript is used to help catch mistakes during compilation (before you run a code). TypeScript ensures safety during writing the code.

5. Rest API

Actually, Application Programming Interface (API) simplifies communication between the applications. Currently, APIs are used almost everywhere, since lots of services and functions are involved in software products. API allows you to use the features and functions developed for other apps in your projects.

Rest stands for representational state transfer. It uses HTTP methods to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) the required data. We use these operations every day. For example, you’ve just made a GET request to receive this article from the server. It is safe to say that someone has made a POST request to add and publish this article. If necessary, you can use a PUT request to update the article. If you want to delete the article, just use DELETE request. Therefore, Rest API is obviously an important working tool that makes the life of a software developer easier.

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