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4 Tech Advances in the Real Estate Industry

4 Tech Advances in the Real Estate Industry

The real estate industry is now more accessible and profitable than ever, thanks to technology and its rapid advancement. Here are four ways technology is pushing the boundaries of real estate all over the world.

Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are similar to the real experience of visiting a potential house, except that it’s done in the comfort of your own home. Dubai real estate is on the rise due to its prime location and the benefits homeowners can get there. However, people might be too busy to visit each property for sale. Virtual tours solve this problem so customers can make more informed decisions.

Online Listings

Online listings can appear on the real estate developer’s website, online communities, forums, and even on social media. Listings are no longer confined to word-of-mouth advertising or visiting a real estate company, which expands the reach and shortens the time from listing to concluding a sale. This benefits both real estate investors and developers, as well as individuals looking for their next home.

Real-Time Communication

Since the arrival of the cellphone communication has become much faster, and it applies to the real estate industry. It’s an oft-overlooked advancement but remains an essential part of any home-buying stage. With 5G and faster internet speed, property hunters can chat, call, and FaceTime with a realtor or real estate agent to get the information they need.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality can help those who are looking for a new home see how the new space can accommodate their furniture and things. Apps can provide a visual idea of how a couch will look in the corner of a new room, for example. Augmented reality is readily accessible and available to anyone who owns a smartphone. Advancements in tech, such as a VR headset take things a step further by offering the user a way to look at virtual space and design their new home.

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