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3 Things to Consider When Starting a Trucking Business

3 Things to Consider When Starting a Trucking Business

The trucking industry can be very lucrative. With the patterns of consumerism shifting significantly towards a primarily online commerce experience, starting a trucking company can be a great way to bend with the times. As you investigate how to go about this, and what it will take to be successful here are three things to consider throughout the process.


It does not matter what kind of business you try to start, there is always going to be a need for technology. The trucking industry of course requires different elements than say a beauty salon one, but the need in general is universal. Some of the things you need to think about are how will you track and manage inventory? What about your road staff? Will your office team be working at the office or remotely? The answers to these questions and more are going to be what shapes your approach towards getting the right technology for your business.

Some common elements in trucking are GPS devices, electronic logging devices, and dashboard cameras. GPS devices are going to help your road team not only know where to go, but the most efficient route to take the get there as well as any potential shifts in traffic patterns or road closures that could impact their assignment. You can review the complete guide to ELD’s in advance of purchasing so that you know the ways in which these additions will help you be successful. Dashboard cameras offer an extra layer of safety and security for you and your drivers. This can be a dangerous industry and real-time visibility is very important.

Security and Protection

Once you have purchased and implemented all this new technology you need to consider cyber security practices to prevent a breach. You are going to have a lot of sensitive and personal information wrapped up in these devices and software and you owe it to your business, your clients, and your employees to do everything you can to keep it all secure. Data breaches can happen in a flash, and they are terribly challenging to overcome, prevention is your best defense.

Size and Expansion

It can be easy to get swept up in the potential of being successful in this industry. When you are first starting out be sure that you have properly assessed the market and your potential within it, so that your initial company size is a good fit. Going too big too soon can create too much overhead, while not having enough people or equipment can result in having to turn away business, which especially in the beginning stages of a company is not a smart move.

Once you have been open and operating for a period of time plan for expansion. Taking pen to paper and detailing how you will go about these large decisions is a smart way to keep yourself focused on a goal and also prevent you from making an impulsive choice that can be very costly. The stages of small business growth can vary from industry to industry. But many new business owners start on a more conservative note and then loosen up their structure over time. If this suits you, this can be a good way to go when the fear of too much too soon lives within you.

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