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Unwind Yourself By Sharing Your Emotions On One App That Stores Memories For Forever

Unwind Yourself By Sharing Your Emotions On One App That Stores Memories For Forever

Human connection is a pathway to healthy mental health. As stated by the Cigma U.S. Loneliness Index, three out of five adults, or 61 percent people say they constantly or occasionally feel lonely. 36 percent of Americans with 51 percent of mothers of young children are engulfed with continual loneliness. There is a constant need to share the tide of emotions. However, for a healthy conversation, time and effort undertaken by family and friends are imperative, and in today’s busy era, these two factors are present the least.

The unavailability of closed ones for a healthy conversation, self-reflection, and discussion can lead to early mortality and cause serious health problems. Depression, heart disease, depression, domestic violence, and substance abuse are a few factors that are a result of next to no conversation. It is noteworthy that 63 percent of young adults are victims of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. This figure is staggering and requires immediate attention and action. 

Fathoming the importance of social connections that are imperative for our mental health, happiness, and emotions, Talk to Myself was built. Eradicating the need of sharing thoughts and feelings with others, the Talk to Myself App allows the user to check in with themselves and manage thoughts, feelings, and emotions in one place. In our busy lives, humans forget to connect with themselves and ensure the wellness of others, but self-health ought to be a priority. 

Talk to Myself allows the user to reconnect with themself easily and efficiently. After a draining day, one requires to vent out the emotions, secrets, knowledge, perspective, and other thought processes reeling in the mind. Thus, without looking for an ear to unload our hearts and minds, the user can write in the Talk to Myself App and document ideas with zero judgments, criticism, or suggestions. The user can re-visit the thoughts anytime in the App’s storage system. 

If one wishes to keep certain thoughts to themselves forever, then Talk to Myself will keep the secret as its own. Yes, the user can relieve the burden of secrets without informing other humans. 

The human mind is filled to the brim with ideas, etc, which are swerving in the mind continually. The talk to Myself App allows the user to meet and connect with themself and feel exquisite contentment. A happy place for the user, he/she can be their true self by writing down thoughts and taking a memo without the usage of flowery words and the baggage of being judged. 

In saying that, every day, even the hectic ones are filled with a splatter of certain moments, which we want to remember and revisit time and again. By using Talk to Myself, the user can record these moments instantly and precisely in a way that was felt during that moment. 

During a rush of unstoppable feelings running through the mind, the user can simply connect and unwind oneself and feel better. These documented and archived memories remain intact in this efficient system where the user records a personal story.

The Talk to Myself also allows self-reflection and introspection that are beneficial for our well-being. Focusing on the outcome, filled with peace and harmony, the users cannot stop revisiting the app time and again. 

Allowing the user to talk to themselves, the founder of Talk to Myself has a wealth of experience working with international organizations and startups. He has also shared his expertise as a software engineer, strategic team leader, and sales director. Working in diverse roles, he never wavered from the goal to help people by working for new solutions.   

The founder states, “Technology does not always make people happy. Social media like facebook is popular, but it is often blamed for decorated happiness. Moreover, thanks to technologies, all humans are connected with each other globally. However, people need time to be disconnected with others. Happiness is not from outside of us. Happiness is within us. People need time to reflect and talking to myself is the way to set people free.”

Talk to Myself is an unparallel platform for people to talk with themselves, be motivated, and self-reflect without judgment and opinions. The feature to share secrets, thoughts, ideas, and plans without filtering our words or creating a pretense is a healthy solution for psychological and feel-good feelings. A go-to app, the users can connect with themselves and self-reflect unlike before. 

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