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How to Stay Motivated and Succeed in Online Learning

How to Stay Motivated and Succeed in Online Learning

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the face of the education sector. Social distancing limits on campus promote remote learning. While some are skeptical about online education prospects, others are leaps and bounds to introduce and get used to new approaches and learning methods. Academic requirements and deadlines remain the same; thus, motivation suffers. Under such peculiar and precarious circumstances, students need to find inner powers to move forward and continue acquiring knowledge.

Avoid Distractions

Studying at home is challenging. It’s complicated to maintain concentration due to temptations and distractions such as laptops, smartphones, TV, etc. However, nothing is impossible. First and foremost, set the rule not to look at the phone, turn off notifications, and turn on mute mode. Get used to concentrate on essential tasks and don’t disperse your attention on technological progress temptations.

Set Up a Productive Learning Space

It’s imperative to have a calm space for learning within your home. The isolated and designated area will help focus on studying and getting used to the daily routine. Smart studying requires a comfortable and quiet environment. No matter how ample your study space could be, the key is to establish specific associations and stay organized. Routine is beneficial for learning. Set a fixed timetable. It helps avoid nervous and unnecessary stress, increases academic performance, and favors grades boosting. Intend to keep your learning area tidy and free of mess. Dedicate a few moments each day to order your notes and things. Try to have a clear plan of tasks to accomplish.

Change Activities

Dedicate time to practicing various skills and change activities not to get bored. Remember that sitting in front of the screen is prejudicial for your eyes, so try to blend mental and physical activity.

Choose Your Learning Methods

Choose learning methods that work for you better. Either video lessons or audio manuals, online discussion via Zoom, or other platforms, participating in different activities stimulates motivation.

Set Goals

You need to set precise, explicit, and reachable objectivesfor each day. For instance, a goal “read” is too vague and doesn’t establish commitments. The idea is to follow a strict plan, such as “read a chapter about “The Spanish transition to democracy and highlight ten specific features characteristic for the period.” Nevertheless, be realistic and don’t set too ambitious objectives.

Some studies state that students have up to 60% better information retention rates when studying remotely, making it clear that whether you are studying effectively, be at home or on campus, is up to you. It all depends on your motivation and effort.

Focus on Your Accomplishments

Remember to never compare your progress with the performance of others.This approach is contra-productive and leads towards demotivation. Each person is different and has specific talents, skills, and abilities. There is no universal strategy to help acquire knowledge; the only way is finding out the method applicable to your case. The clearer you imagine yourself accomplishing academic assignments, the easier it will be to commence doing it.

Figure Out Why You Procrastinate

The battle contra procrastination is crucial at the time of establishing strategies for effective home learning. It’s also essential to understand the reasons for your procrastination. Among the most common causes of procrastination, it’s worth underlining trouble concentrating, fear of failure, low self-confidence, perfectionism, and poor organization skills. Check out our advises to become more productive:

Start Prioritizing

Another significative rule is to learn to prioritize and avoid multitasking. It’s fair to claim that employers value a well-trained ability to perform several tasks at the time. Though it may seem pretty productive, actually multitasking causes the opposite effect. The learning process requires concentration and an in-depth understanding of all the nuances and details. Paying attention to various things may be demotivating, as it’s hard to track progress when you barely notice advances.


Remember to socialize and keep in contact with your classmates and professors. Externalisation is the best way to relax, not to mention the usefulness of listening to other people’s opinions concerning essential issues. Even an easy chat or video call can bring you handy tips. The learning process is not a bed of roses; on the way to graduation, you face uncountable challenges that strengthen the will, perseverance, empowers character, and skills. Online learning opens doors to new opportunities and pushes us to the hands of technological progress. Let’s accept the challenge and become winners.

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